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    Meeting the School of Humanities

    来源:STUDY AT HUST    作者:IACO    发布时间:2020-12-31    阅读量:

    On the afternoon of  December 18, the “Study at HUST” Online Promotional Session for International Students of the School of Humanities was held. Ms. YANG Lei from the School of Humanities attended the session. Teachers and students from France, Russia, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Gabon, and Tanzania also participated in this event. The session was hosted by Mr. YU Wenchang, Program Officer of the International Admission and Cooperation Office of the School of International Education.

    Ms. YANG Lei gave an introduction of the college scale, development history, discipline construction, international cooperation, teachers’ resources, and student training programs of the School of Humanities.


    Afterward, two student representatives from the School of Humanities, as representatives of outstanding graduates of Chinese academic education in the School of Humanities, vividly introduced to the participants the learning and living situation of international students of Chinese academic education at HUST in English and French respectively, with the theme of "Study at HUST, Loving in Humanities".
    Subsequently, Ms. YANG Lei gave a detailed introduction of the cooperation programs and several exchange activities between the School of Humanities and the Confucius Institute at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, demonstrating the positive attitude and good image of the School of Humanities in foreign cooperation.
    “Study at HUST” Online Promotional Session for International Students is an innovative initiative taken by the School of International Education and designed to achieve rapid transformation as well as enhancing the publicity of international students’ admission in the post-epidemic period. It aims to attract more outstanding students to study at HUST by working closely with faculties, integrating the international connection resources of professors and research groups, and improving the service quality of international students’ admission. 

    Copyright2011-2012 School of Humanities, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

    Address: 1037 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province

    Zip: 430074

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